
Why Magnetic Pocket Closures Are Better Than Zippers on a Golf Bag

Why MNML GOLF Bags Have a 4-Way Divider, Not 14

The Evolution of Minimalist Golf Gear: Function Meets Style

How to Choose the Custom Art for Your Golf Bag

Stand Bag vs. Cart Bag: Why the Stand Is the Best Innovation in Golf Bags

What Makes a Golf Bag Minimal? (And Why It Matters)

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Golf Bag for New Golfers

The Best Tips I Ever Got

Sustainability And The Modern Golfer

Expectations In Golf

Golf For Your Health

Play More Golf

A Consistent Golf Swing To A Unique One

Golf Lessons, Life Lessons

“We have bills to pay. Big boy bills. But we’ll pay them. Our team is better than ever. Our product is better than ever. Our mission is stronger than ever.”

We were losing over $20 on every TIF order.

“Our financial well-being, let alone someone else’s investment, doesn’t matter as much as the brand’s integrity.”

Tupac, Biggie, and Taylor Swift were on. Base was up. Windows were down. Simple pleasures.

Rules of making money as a golf coach: #1 - Be available #2 - Care (really care about helping your student)

I am proud of the way we are doing business and I want this information to be accessible - to show others that it’s possible to “pave your own road” or whatever.

In the first three days of the job posting we got over 650 applicants.

That’s 1,100 parents with a new option on where to spend their money.

Just to put this into perspective.. We need to sell 8 bags a day to break even - pay the rent, staff, cost of goods sold.

By the end of 2022 I was stressed. Our team was falling apart. And our business was booming.

If someone tells you that you can’t