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Golfer with MNML GOLF MR1 golf bag on horizon at chambers bay

Golf Isn’t Just a Sport. It’s an Obsession - A Healthy One (most of the time)

The players who love this game for everything it is, was, and will be—that’s who we’re here for. You want to get better? So do we. You care about your gear? So do we. You love this game? Yeah, same.

beginner golf tipsMNML GOLF founder Sam Goulden carrying MNML GOLF BAG Sustainable Model MR1 at Royal Isabela golf club

The Inner Game of Tennis… for Golfers?

Golfers read The Inner Game of Tennis and instantly saw themselves in it. The constant self-judgment, the obsession with mechanics, the fear of choking under pressure—Gallwey was describing golf wi...

eco-conscious golfingFour golfers playing sustainably on chambers bay golf course

Sustainability in Golf - Finally Having its Moment

Golf is a game built to last, but only if we take care of the spaces that make it special. The future looks bright (and green), and we’re here for it.

beginner golf tipsThe First Thing You Need to Learn in Golf (It’s Not Your Swing)

The First Thing You Need to Learn in Golf (It’s Not Your Swing)

Before you worry about grip, stance, takeaway, or any of that, you need to know what the club is designed to do. The loft, the bounce, the center of gravity—these things dictate how the ball reacts...

beginner golf bagMNML GOLF bag with magnetic pockets showing benefit for all golfers and especially new golfers

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Golf Bag for New Golfers

Make the Right Choice for Your Game Your golf bag is more than just an accessory—it’s part of your experience. As a new golfer, choosing the right bag sets you up for success, comfort, and confiden...

bespoke golf gearWhat Makes a Golf Bag Minimal? (And Why It Matters)

What Makes a Golf Bag Minimal? (And Why It Matters)

The Meaning of Minimalism in Golf Minimalism isn’t just a design trend—it’s a mindset that can actually enhance performance. A truly minimalist golf bag strips away distractions and focuses on effi...